Why Do I Have to Convince Companies They Need Marketing?

Here's the thing...you shouldn't have to.

Ah, the perennial struggle of convincing companies they need marketing. It’s a tale as old as time. Because, you know, who needs marketing anyway? Clearly, the answer is nobody. Or so some seem to think…

In a world where unicorns frolic freely, marketing is but a luxury reserved for those with time and money to spare. Who needs to reach customers when you can rely on word of mouth alone, right?

But wait, hold your unicorns. Could it be that, marketing is essential for business success? As Owen Wilson would say, “Wow.”

Let’s break it down for the non-believers, shall we?

Selling is great, but that's not everything.

Marketing is not just about selling stuff. It’s about building relationships, creating brand awareness, and fostering trust with your audience. Because let’s face it, no one wants to buy from a faceless corporation with all the charm of a brick wall.

Size doesn't matter...this time.

Marketing is not just for big companies with deep pockets. In fact, some of the most successful marketing campaigns have been executed on shoestring budgets by scrappy startups with nothing but a dream and an Instagram account.

Strategy and results are crucial.

Marketing is not just about shouting into the void and hoping someone listens. It’s about targeted messaging, strategic planning, and yes, measuring results. Because if you’re not tracking your marketing efforts, how do you know if they’re working?

Time to get it together.

So, to all the companies out there still scratching their heads wondering why they need marketing, I say this: It’s not about convincing people they need marketing—it’s about convincing them they need to wake up and smell the coffee.

To wrap this up, marketing is not some mystical art form reserved for the chosen few. It’s a vital tool for businesses of all shapes and sizes looking to succeed in today’s competitive landscape. So let’s put an end to the disbelief and embrace the power of marketing once and for all. After all, who needs unicorns when you’ve got marketing magic on your side?

Giddy up.