Instagram creation & Growth

Thirsty Wanderer

Okay, let me just start with saying that the Thirsty Wanderer Instagram is my personal Craft Beer Brewery adventure! It got started because, well….I LOVE BEER. I love the different styles, the way it’s made, the smell (sometimes, ha!), all of it. Well maybe not the whole “full” feeling you get when too much beer is consumed! Anyway, one day I said to myself:

“I love beer. I love breweries. I live in San Diego, the mecca of breweries. This is meant to be!”

With that said, it just made sense to start an IG account displaying all of my adventures. To be honest, this just gave me the excuse to go to more breweries!

Fast Organic Growth

I started this account in April 2017 and by October 2017 I hit 10,000 followers! Crazy, huh? That’s pretty exciting stuff and hard to do with organic growth only. There are a lot of tactics and strategies that go into achieve results such as this, so I did my research and did what seemed to work for me. Some people could chalk it up to “She’s just pretty”, but if you go look at the page, I’d like to think I keep it classy. 😌

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